No investment can be successful without the right investment strategy. It is therefore important not only to have an overview of the complex markets and to understand them, but above all to set goals and think ahead.
FERI (Schweiz) combines comprehensive expertise in Swiss securities, international equities and innovative investment themes with the unique know-how and research of the FERI Group. We offer a broad range of customised investment solutions and will guide our clients through the entire investment process if required, from the development and implementation of an individual investment strategy to quantitative risk management, monitoring and control.
Our investment specialists draw on long-standing experience in many asset classes and areas. Thanks to our expertise, we are able to create sophisticated portfolios and systematically diversify existing portfolios.
Our success is based on a consistent reduction of complexity. This is based both on current data on the economy and financial markets and on long-term trends in politics, sociology and demography.
Our independence puts us in the unique position of being able to make completely unbiased decisions. For our clients, this means the best possible selection of investments for their portfolio.
You decide to what extent you want to make use of our services. In addition to customized asset management mandates and individual solutions, we also offer family office and advisory services.
You can also invest in our existing fund solutions. These are also based on the extensive expertise of our investment specialists. Your advantage lies clearly in the significantly lower investment amount required compared to an individual asset management mandate.
The choice is yours.