FERI (Schweiz)’s employees specialise in providing individual, comprehensive and long-term advice to discerning families. We provide solutions for the preservation and growth of family wealth – for this generation and the next.
Our consultancy services enable professional management of our clients’ assets and ensure that all opportunities and practices in the financial markets are known, transparent and accessible to asset owners. They comprise five interlinked components, which you can avail of as a complete solution or individually, thanks to our modular range of services.
The objective of strategic asset planning for high-net-worth individuals is to ensure the long-term profitability of the assets. This requires an understanding of client-specific requirements as well as the complete spectrum of investment.
FERI (Schweiz) offers you more: in addition to recommending an optimised capital investment, we carry out a fundamental feasibility analysis regarding the fulfilment of your liabilities and obligations, and we recommend adjustments, if necessary. We develop the objectives in terms of return, risk budget, cash flows and accumulation of reserves, adjust the obligations and calculate what strategic amendments are necessary over a period of several years.
This forms the basis for advising the high-net-worth individuals whose assets we manage.
Choosing the right framework and structure is fundamental for the success of your investment. We work closely together with the relevant FERI Group experts and provide you with advice on the administrative outlines, the selection of all service providers (fund manager, depositary, asset manager, overlay manager or other necessary specialists) and the asset management instruments, as well as on the question of whether you wish to opt for an active or passive strategy.
Profitability monitoring forms the basis for performance and risk management. It comprises a continuous review of planning, cost and implementation factors as well as the performance of the service providers employed. We report directly to the asset owners and/or their representatives, investment committees or governing bodies, and we organise and provide support in investment committee meetings. At the same time, the managers appointed are evaluated and compared with their competitors by the relevant experts of the FERI Group. Essential components of our profitability monitoring are a constant striving for strategic optimisation and the consideration of all taxation issues.
FERI (Schweiz) avails itself of the support of FERI’s specialists throughout the Group in order to provide consultancy and support to its clients on the application of risk management systems. This includes the documentation of the entire risk management system in a client-specific risk manual. We define and control risk management targets such as risk-bearing capacity, risk budget and risk limits. In collaboration with the other teams of the FERI Group, we offer advice on the coordination of requirements with the depositary and the fund manager or the necessary implementation in the client’s systems.
Wealth is more than money. Asset owners have not only financial assets, but also human and social assets. Comprehensive management of financial assets therefore also pays attention to all relevant aspects of human and social assets.
The FERI Group’s risk office concept offers consistent, end-to-end asset protection. FERI (Schweiz) avails itself of the skills of the FERI Group experts in the area of financial assets in order to support families in the long-term preservation of their assets against fiscal, monetary and geopolitical risks and dilution. Preservation of financial assets also includes the protection of human and social assets. We therefore draw upon the experience of the specialist teams throughout the group and selected safety, reputation and health experts and, inter alia, offer preventive measures for family safety and reputation protection as well as programmes to develop healthy behaviour.
In a systematic advisory process, FERI (Schweiz) works closely with highly skilled FERI Group colleagues in order to identify the specific risk areas of its clients, develop sustainable protection concepts and coordinate their implementation.
Can investment strategies be used to shape the future in a lasting way, to the benefit of our society and our planet, while at the same time satisfying the requirements of a family office in terms of sustainability? Our goal is to make this possible. In return, we like to think and act differently from others. The FERI family office offers holistic advice, from the implementation of your own concept to a sustainability strategy that is in line with your individual, long-term investment strategy. In the implementation phase, we guide you in your search for a suitable structure and investment opportunities that meet your expectations and requirements.