The topic of sustainability is attracting increasing attention, from investors, companies, regulators and policymakers alike. For this reason, many financial market participants wish – or need – to add a sustainable dimension to their companies and their long-term investment strategies in terms of ecological and social impact and sustainable corporate management.
FERI offers support and assistance in the implementation of an individual sustainability concept. This includes strategic orientation and the formulation of a policy, in addition to implementation of this policy in the company and the investment portfolio.
Investors who already apply sustainability criteria can be supported by FERI in the further development of solution approaches and the setting of long-term goals that take into account the sustainable development goals.
As part of its long-term strategy and sustainability orientation, FERI develops individual investment solutions for and with investors, which can include both collective investment schemes and single securities, and thus accurately reflect a sustainability or SDG profile according to the client’s wishes.
Clients also benefit from full transparency regarding their existing investment’s compatibility with the sustainable development goals and can increase the SDG efficiency of their portfolio in a targeted way.
Attractive and innovative SDG investment products – focusing on specific return opportunities in the context of sustainability and sustainable development goals – are currently being implemented.
The issue of sustainability is not only a socio-political imperative. For FERI, it also includes a clear commitment to social responsibility as a financial services provider in its development of long-term beneficial investment solutions and corresponding advisory services.
We promote sustainability at many levels in order to make a targeted contribution to the further development and broadening of public awareness. FERI provides support for projects, organises conferences, delivers lectures and produces its own studies and publications – all focusing on sustainable development goals, climate change, decarbonisation and impact investing.